Friday, October 26, 2012

13 Spookishly Simple Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a time of year that can create a lot of excitement for children; however, it can also cause some anxiety for parents about their child’s safety. Here are 13 helpful tips for making this, and every, Halloween safe.

1) It is always best practice to accompany your child as they go door to door, even in your own neighborhood. Also, even if you are with your child, try and get a group together – there is safety in numbers

2) Never accept items/candy if they look tampered with or are unwrapped

3) Make sure you bring a flashlight. Even if you begin trick or treating during daylight, the sun can go down quickly

4) Do not take “short cuts” or use alleyways to go between houses

5) Always remind your children to WALK, not run between houses. You never know when that unsuspecting hole, exposed pipe, or branch is going to pose a safety hazard

6) We know children will like to dress up as their favorite character, but try to make costumes as bright as possible, or add some reflective element to the costume if possible. The brighter the better for visibility at night

7) Make sure that masks fit well and properly to avoid obstructing your child’s vision, which can also pose unforeseen accidents

8) Limit accessories if possible. For instance, if your child is Luke Skywalker, they do not need to bring a light-saber and the phaser pistol, and drag along R2D2… It is cumbersome and can cause can trip up your child, causing injury

9) Keep a good distance from candles in bags and Jack-O-Lanterns, and make sure costumes are fire resistant

10) Have a brief talk to your children about speaking to and accepting items from strangers. Additionally, bear in mind that anyone can wear a costume and pretend to be friendly

11) Set a time limit for trick-or-treating. Do not allow it to be a free for all where we try to hit every house in the neighborhood. It’s unrealistic and can cause fatigue

12) Have your child carry some personal identification on them in case they got lost. Include name and adult contact information – and make sure they know where this information is in case they get lost

13) If your child wanders or frequently runs off, make sure you have a safety plan in place ahead of time. Review it, know it, and teach it to your child. More information on this can be obtained from the Autism Wandering and Elopement Initiative

And for our final tip, have fun and be safe. Halloween can be exciting and fun for all members of the family. However, safety is the paramount concern. Enjoy!

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